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Showing 161–176 of 207 results

This volume contains SGI President Ikeda’s lecture on the Gosho ‘The Supremacy of the Law’, emphasising the key role that women can play in building a peaceful society, based on individual transformation.

This volume contains SGI President Ikeda’s three-part lecture on the Gosho ‘On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings’, explaining that the correct way to practise this Buddhism is to follow the Buddha’s intent and believe in the Lotus Sutra.

The Untold History of Fuji School

SGI-USA Study Department

Through this detailed history of the priesthood, you will gain a new understanding of the current problems with Nichiren Shoshu as well as a clearer picture of where our Kosen-Rufu movement must go in the future.

Daisaku Ikeda

The Vow of the Ikeda Kayo-kai, Encouragement for Young Women, is a collection of messages, essays and a speech by Daisaku Ikeda. Also includes beautiful photos, songs and poems.

Daisaku Ikeda

The Way of Youth in the way of youth renowned philosopher and President of the Soka Gakkai International, Dr. Daisaku Ikeda shares insights into the real life problems of young people and addresses their concerns in a warm, empathetic and reassuring manner.

An introduction to Buddhist Practice.

$2.50 Out of stock

Daisaku Ikeda

Kosen-rufu and World Peace, the third volume of the series The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, focuses on President Ikeda’s philosophy of peace based on Nichiren Buddhism.

Daisaku Ikeda

An inspiring account of the mentor-disciple relationship shared by the three founding Soka Gakkai presidents and their powerful and unwavering resolve to secure happiness for all.

Daisaku Ikeda

Kosen-rufu and World Peace 3.3, [part III of volume 3], the sixth, and last, book of the series The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace.

Daisaku Ikeda

Offering deep insight into what it means to live a truly happy life, this book teaches the meaning of absolute happiness, which is indestructible and characterised by supreme joy, wisdom and compassion.

Daisaku Ikeda

The wisdom for creating happiness and peace Vol. 2

Daisaku Ikeda

The wisdom for creating happiness and peace Vol. 2

The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra - V.4

Daisaku Ikeda, Katsuji Saito, Takanori Endo, Haruo Suda

The conversations in this six-volume work, conducted over a number of years, yield intra-religious insights of Buddhists who regard the Lotus Sutra as a core teaching of Mahayana Buddhism.

The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra - V.5

Daisaku Ikeda, Katsuji Saito, Takanori Endo, Haruo Suda

The conversations in this six-volume work, conducted over a number of years, yield intra-religious insights of Buddhists who regard the Lotus Sutra as a core teaching of Mahayana Buddhism.

The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra - V.6

Daisaku Ikeda, Katsuji Saito, Takanori Endo, Haruo Suda

The conversations in this six-volume work, conducted over a number of years, yield intra-religious insights of Buddhists who regard the Lotus Sutra as a core teaching of Mahayana Buddhism.

Daisaku Ikeda

“The Lotus Sutra teaches of the great hidden treasure of the heart, as vast as the universe itself, which dispels any feelings of powerlessness. It teaches a dynamic way of living in which we breathe the immense life of the universe itself. It teaches the true great adventure of self-reformation.”

Showing 161–176 of 207 results

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